If you’ve ever had a good massage that completely relaxed your body and gave you some much-needed stress relief, you can attest to just how wonderful massage therapy can be to your body and entire well-being. There are many reasons why people choose to indulge in such a therapeutic practice. In fact, it’s quite likely that many have only scratched the surface in fully understanding just how beneficial massage therapy can be. It has proven to be an effective remedy for a variety of ailments and conditions and can relieve pain. Knowing which type of massage therapy is right for you can be confusing, so we are going to get down to the basics of what massage therapy is and all the ways it can help you.

What is Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy is a technique therapists use to manipulate muscles and soft tissue with their hands, fingers and elbows. The type of massage therapy you choose will determine the amount of pressure that will be applied onto your body and the techniques your therapist will use. Massage therapy is widely used in many parts of the world and considered one of the safest ways to treat certain elements.
The key to getting the best massage for health is to choose the right type of massage therapy. Specific techniques are used to achieve certain results. To address your particular concern, the first step will be to specify what your goal is so you can make the right selection. The different types of massage therapy include:

Benefits of Massage Therapy
Another great thing about massage therapy is that, as evidenced by the different types of massage techniques listed above, it can be tailored to meet the needs of just about any patient.
Some of the health benefits of massage therapy include:
1. Relieves chronic pain
If you’ve been dealing with constant pain in your lower back, neck or shoulders, then you know just how severely pain can disrupt your day-to-day activities. You may find yourself trying various pain relief solutions that may offer temporary mild relief, like a heating pad; but finding a more effective solution that provides more lasting relief is bound to be a priority for you.
Massage therapy may provide the relief you have been looking for. By targeting problem areas, your massage therapist can help relieve pain in those areas.

2. Improves your mood, anxiety and depression
One of the reasons why there are usually massage packages offered at vacation spots is because they promote relaxation, which is often the goal of being on vacation in the first place.
Research shows that massage therapy is effective in promoting mental wellness, boosting your mood and improving your overall well-being.
3. Eases soreness after a workout
Exercising is a great way to keep in shape and care for your body. But intense workouts can leave your body sore and tempt you to skip your next workout. Massage therapy can relieve soreness so you can resume your regular training schedule. If you have completed a particularly grueling workout session, you may experience sore muscles a few hours or a few days later.
This is because the tension in your muscles creates information. Sore muscles are a normal process in building more muscle, however, the pain can be annoying. Massage therapy can be just what you need to reduce soreness and get back into the gym sooner rather than later.

4. Alleviate negative side effects of cancer
Cancer treatment can be taxing on the body. Cancer patients are subjected to intense forms of treatment that often include chemotherapy and radiation. These treatments can be grueling and affect the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of a patient. The pain, in particular, can make movement difficult.
Massage therapy can help alleviate the body from the side effects of cancer treatments by reducing pain and anxiety. Many patients who try massage therapy say that it allows them to relax and helps to improve their moods.
5. Helps you sleep better
The more relaxed your body is, the easier it will be for you to fall and stay asleep.
And since massage can help reduce pain, depression and anxiety, you can expect a better night’s sleep after a massage.

6. Boosts immunity
Having regular massages can help boost your immune system and eliminate various toxins in the blood. Another positive side effect of massage therapy is increased blood flow throughout the body.
This increased activity, particularly of white blood cells, gives our body an additional boost to fight dangerous viruses and bacteria within the body.
7. Alleviates headaches
Some headaches are the result of built-up tension in the body, particularly in the neck and shoulders. People who suffer from this kind of condition often complain about how disruptive it is to their lifestyle.
Massage therapy can provide effective relief for tension headaches with some patients reporting a significant change after just a few sessions. Many people often don’t think of massage therapy as a solution to headaches, but those who try it are often pleasantly surprised with the results.

Contact Us
With so many positive effects of massage therapy, it’s definitely proof that it may be a good solution for you. Enjoy the benefits of a deep tissue massage or one of the many other types of massages we offer at Newmarket Health & Wellness Centre. Reach out to us today to book your next massage!